
Showing posts from October, 2020

Harley"s Day Out (Part 1)

<< Welcome >> << Welcome >> This Morning, I must go up at 4 AM and then brush my teeth, take a bath and eat breakfast. After the Long time holiday due to Summer Holiday but now, The school already begin. Hi, It's me Harley, Im 14 years old and I am from Eruditio State.  Im kinda lazy person who usually Sooooo lazy to go anywhere. I usually waste my time with the magical things. I love to learn about Magic since when i was 11. After 3 Years, I Like to do some magical things with A card. The bell is ringing. It's my time to go to class. Im on Mrs Alice's Class. I dont have any friend there cuz im new here and imma really hard to talk with strangers. Mrs Alice:" Ok student. Now, u guys have a new friend here. Harley, Please introduce yourself" *Im Actually very shy to talk and stand in front of them.. It's kinda hard for me* Harley: "mmm. (Ask Myself that what should i do) I just stand and dunno what should i speak here.&quo